Are you qualified?

As far as my education, I have a masters in marriage and family therapy and I am half way done with my Psy.D in applied clinical psychology. As far as me being a clinician I am an associate marriage and family therapist at McAlister teen recovery center where I provide individual and group counseling to teens from age 12-17. 

Are your decks based on diagnosis?

Yes! Google F12.10 

As far as the classification: there are 25 deck: 5 classifications (1) defensive decks (mood disorders): depression, bipolar 1, bipolar 2 and 2 other decks; 

(2) defensive hybrid decks(anxiety disorders): anxiety, ptsd, panic, and 2 other.

(3) neutral decks (personality disorders): antisocial, narcissistic (and no I don’t think I am but who knows), dependent, and 2 others.

(4) offensive hybrid (substance use disorders (which are part of the dsm 5)): cannabis use disorder, alcohol use disorder, stimulat use disorder, and 2 others.

(5) Offensive decks (disruptive disorders) : pyromaniac, kleptomaniac, conduct disorder, and 2 others.

Why did you pick Maslow and not other theories?

As far as using only Maslow hierarchy of needs: Maslow is something that we all learned in high school. Also is has stages just like a game. But with that being said my game does incorporate other theories as tools for the defensive and defensive hybrid decks such as “solution focused therapy” and “cognitive behavior therapy”.

Do your game lead people to therapy?

As far as the game not instructing people to seek therapy, the whole purpose of my game is to get people to feel more comfortable about seeking therapy and opening up. I created this game to address the problem of minoritieslimit utilization of mental health services due to stigma. 

Why is your game not a theory?

Well my game is an intervention, a form of play therapy. To facilitate self growth!

As far as my game being a failed theory: I actually was going to try to do it as a theory for my dissertation but my dissertation chair said it would be double the work so yea pass

How many people can play?


As far as the game needing more than one player. The game can be played solitary but it more fun with others. It is $10 for one deck.

Don’t you think you are just making a profit off of illness?

As far as making money of disorders, I just want get my message out and I can’t do that and support my family. Everything in this world cost money, a DSM, a Therapy visit, and medication all have a cost. As much as I would love to do this for free! My artist needs to get paid, printing, printing and shipping costs just to name a few. I am offering a service that can help people to start building their internal motivation.

Again thank you all for the feedback! I hope I got to everyone’s questions and my next campaign will be stronger